Dairy Collection & Billing System DBMS, SQL, PHP & Web Development Project With Free Source Code


The bee project management program website covers all types of customer information, daily bulk details, buffalo milk information, cow's milk details, customer invoice details and other services related information. It tracks all customer details from the first day until the end of the last purchase day which can be used for all payment purposes etc. Here we are providing the best PHP projectsDBMS projectsMySQL Projects which are completely free to download with correct source code and executable file.

Our design can make it easy to check all the activities that take place in dairy stores, so that we know what kind of milk the customer has bought and we can find the date of purchase and milk time by a particular customer, and how much for example liters of milk purchased by a customer, and automatically calculate customer invoice.


The goal of web development is to manage all website activity. The system keeps track of all information about the entire site. The program contains a website where all information will be stored securely.

Technologies used in the project are

Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
HTML: HTML is used to create and maintain a web document. For example, Notepad / Notepad ++
CSS: (Cascading Style Spreadsheets) Create an Attractive Layout
Bootstrap: Responsive Design of the Mobile Site
JavaScript: a programming language, commonly used with web browsers.

Back End: PHP, MySQL
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a technology that allows software developers to create custom-generated web pages with HTML, XML, or other scripts, as requested by the customer. PHP is open source software.
MySQL: MySQL is a widely used website for accessing, updating and managing data on a website.

Existing system

The goal of dairy milk collection and billing system is to reduce manual labor. And we all know that the manual system has many problems. Some of them are listed below
• The manual system requires extra time to process.
• It requires very important work.
• It is difficult to manage.
• Man's power requires more than that.
• Answering questions quickly is difficult and time consuming.
• The manual system may contain errors.

Why You need a new system?

A new system is needed for some of the benefits outlined below
• The new system requires less time to complete any task.
• The new system reduces the chances of error.
• The new system should work properly and quickly.
• A new system that saves staff time and energy.
• Suitable for computerized data entry.
• The program is easy to use and anyone with some computer knowledge can easily manage it.


WAMP server
XAMPP Server (recommended)
MAMP. server
LAMP server

Steps for project implementation

1. Download the zip file and Unzip it.
2. Insert this file into the “c: / xamp / htdocs /” folder.
3. Website configuration
Open the phpmyadmin file
Create a database called "dairy"
Import the dairy.sql database file
4. Open your browser within “http: // localhost / dairy /”
For more information watch the video.


The Dairy Milk Management System website is designed for dairy staff to manage their day-to-day operations and any business operations that take place in the dairy products system, the program contains PHP and SQL Server programming languages ​​in this process. store data in tables created on SQL server. For older systems, use paper to write information in those papers, but in the meantime, we have found a new technology that will help us make things easier for the dairy organization to make its record in the database process such as data storage and should therefore be used for future memory as in monthly or daily report. easy to imagine.

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